More than 1.95 crore ITRs for AY 2021-22 have been e-verified till 28th October 2021. Out of this, 86% were verified using Aadhaar OTP.
The Income Tax department has notified on Twitter that over 2.25 crore ITRs for AY 2021-22 were filed on the Income Tax e-filing portal till October 28. Over 55% of these ITRs have been prepared using the online form available and filed on the new portal.
More than 1.95 crore ITRs for AY 2021-22 have been e-verified till 28th October 2021. Out of this, 86% were verified using Aadhaar OTP. Out of the ITRs received, 62% of these are ITR1, 8% – ITR2, 7% – ITR3, 23% – ITR4 & the balance are ITRs 5, 6 and 7.
Over 1.50 crore ITRs 1,2 and 4 for AY 2021-22 have already been processed and over 55 lakh refunds issued. More than 15 crore unique taxpayers have logged in till 28th October 2021 & over 21.47 lakh new registrations have been done. Over 60.87 lakh taxpayers have availed of the ‘forgot password’ facility to obtain their passwords till 28th October 2021.
Over 24.01 lakh new e-PAN have been allotted and 79.55 lakh taxpayers have linked their PAN with Aadhaar online on the new portal. Over 34.19 lakh Bank accounts have been validated and over 21.15 lakh Bank Accounts have been enabled for e-Verification.
Over 21.69 lakh Statutory Forms filed including 12.81 lakh TDS statements, 1.37 lakh Form 10A for registration of Trusts/Institutions, 2.30lakh Form 10E for arrears of salary, 2.91 lakh 15 CA, 0.74 lakh 15CB for foreign remittance & 39,061 Form 35 for Appeal till 28th Oct 2021.
More than 12.87 lakh notices pertaining to Faceless Assessments, Appeals & Penalty proceedings have been posted on the portal, out of which, responses have been received in over 6.75 lakh cases.