Vastu Tips: Keeping this type of dragon in house will have a bad effect

The dragon is a symbol of energy. In Chinese Vastu, it is said to enhance good luck. Therefore, it is considered good to have a dragon statue or any picture of it in the house. 

Know from Acharya Indu Prakash in Vastu Shastra about keeping a dragon related idol. The dragon is a symbol of energy. In Chinese Vastu, it is said to enhance good luck. Therefore, it is considered good to have a dragon statue or any picture of it in the house.

It is very important to keep some things in mind while choosing a dragon statue or picture. You can buy a wooden, ceramic or crystal dragon. But mantle and gold dragon are not considered good.

A green dragon made on a clay vase is also considered auspicious. You can also gift it to someone. Apart from this, pictures of dragon’s joints can also be put. The pairing of dragon is the best way to increase the prosperity of the house.

Keep dragon in this direction

After all, in which direction should the dragon be placed so that there will be peace and happiness in the house. The dragon should never be kept at a height or in the bedroom. Because it creates mental tension and restlessness among the family members. There are different directions for different dragons.

Place the wooden dragon in the south-east or east, while the crystal dragon in the south-east, north-east or north-west and the children studying should place it on their study table. Whereas keeping the pairs of dragon in the east direction will be of great benefit.

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