Scroll down to get details like the name of posts, number of vacancies, age limit and pay scale.
Oil India Limited Recruitment 2021: Oil India Limited (OIL) has announced several Grade C, Grade B and Grade A vacancies at It has invited applications from Indian nationals to fill up various posts including Superintending Engineers, Superintending Medical Officers, Senior Medical Officers, Senior Security Officer in Assam.
Scroll down to get details like the name of posts, number of vacancies, age limit and pay scale.
Oil India Limited Recruitment: Name and number of posts
Superintending Engineer (Drilling): 1
Superintending Medical Officer (Radiology): 1
Superintending Engineer (Environment): 3
Superintending Medical Officer (Orthopaedic Surgeon): 1
Senior Medical Officer: 4
Senior Security Officer: 1
Senior Officer (Electrical): 6
Senior Officer (Electronics & Communication): 2
Senior Officer (Land/Legal): 2
Senior Officer (Mechanical): 10
Senior Officer (Geophysics): 1
Senior Officer (Instrumentation): 2
Confidential Secretary: 1
Oil India Limited Recruitment: Scale of Pay
GRADE C: Rs 80,000 – Rs 2,20,000
GRADE B: Rs 60,000 – Rs 1,80,000
GRADE A: Rs 50,000 – Rs 1,60,000
Oil India Limited Recruitment: Last date
Interested and eligible candidates can apply ONLINE through the link available on the Oil India Limited website at till October 10 (11:59 PM).