CTET 2021: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will conduct the 15th edition of the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in CBT-mode or computer-based test. The exam which used to be held in physical mode has shifted to an online mode, informed CBSE. There are many changes expected in the teacher ability exam.
The exam will be held between December 16 to January 13, informed CBSE. The exam dates are not yet released. The test will be conducted in 20 languages including Hindi and English. Conducting exams in regional languages is in line with the new National Education Policy (NEP) which advocates for teaching in the mother tongue.
The NEP also suggests that those who pass TET will have to give a demonstration or appear in an interview, and show their knowledge of the local language.
From this year onwards, the validity of CTET certificates has been extended. Earlier the CTET certificates were valid for seven years, however, now the same is valid for a lifetime.
While the details will be released along with the information brochure on September 20, the exam pattern is expected to be changed this year. There will be more conceptual0-based questions asked this year. These will be to test the problem-solving abilities and critical thinking of candidates.
The online application process will start from September 20 onwards and the last date to apply will be October 19. Candidates can pay fee till October 20. The detailed information bulletin containing details of examination, syllabus, languages, eligibility criteria, examination fee, examination cities and important dates will be available on CTET official website, ctet.nic.in.
TET is conducted at both the Central and state level. CBSE conducts Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), based on which, candidates are hired for teaching posts across elementary schools. CTET exam is divided into two papers – Paper-I and II. Those willing to teach classes 1 to 6 appear for paper 1 while the rest appear for paper II.