New Delhi | Jagran Lifestyle Desk: COVID-19 danger had made it impossible for people to step out since a year and therefore, apart from the usual market skincare products, many switched to homemade packs and remedies. This was not just because of being free but also natural and chemical ingredients host a lot of benefits during summer.
Yes, summers in India are not going to tone down anyway and the scorching heat has crazy effects on skin right from tanning, rashes, pimples and whatnot. Therefore, here we are with the two go-to kitchen ingredients which can work wonders to give you a beautiful skin amidst the hot weather. You guessed it right! we are talking about Aloe Vera and Neem and before we talk about their health benefits, let’s take a look at their nutrient properties.
Aloe Vera: It contains 75 potentially active constituents: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids. It contains vitamins A (beta-carotene), C and E, which are antioxidants.
Neem: Meanwhile, neem especially in the oil format, contains fatty acids (EFA) and is high on the disinfection quotient.
Health and skin benefits
Clear skin
Neem helps with clearing our bacteria and microbes that cause acne and eruptions of the skin; the good acids in aloe vera help with skin regeneration and overall smoothness. When combined, these magic ingredients clear out pores, remove blackheads and whiteheads without drying out the skin or leaving flaky peels. Prolonged use leaves the skin brighter, even toned and smooth.
The antioxidation properties of Aloe Vera reverses effects of sun burns and tan. Neem helps remove the germ/grime buildup on the skin caused by sweat and grime and is anti-inflammatory. Therefore gives lasting protection from environmental damage especially when used in everyday skin/hygiene products like in a body wash.
Works as rejuvenator
The collagen from the EFA in the neem and the antioxidants in aloe vera help in restoring skin elasticity, improves skin texture and appearance, puts back vitality in skin and helps in plumping the skin to make it look vibrant.
Hydrate your skin
The most critical summer skin care need is always hydration without an oily finish. Our humble aloe vera and neem serves this function too! It moisturizes and freshens the skin especially when used pre-or during daily baths.